Public Input Forms

This page allows UNM students and community members to provide feedback or requested information to the ASUNM Elections Commission. All material collected is anonymous unless respondents choose to enter their information, but it is not required. The following forms use embedded Google Forms; the direct links are listed in the description before each form. If there are any issues or if you would like a response, please email

Endorsement Forum Questions

The Endorsement Forum allows student groups to pick ASUNM candidates to endorse, and for all UNM community members to hear what the candidates have to say. While the format may vary, any input from UNM students about what issues they want to hear the candidates speak about is welcome! Remember, ASUNM is YOUR student government, and its Senators represent your voice on the UNM campus. Submit your questions for the candidates below (a direct link to the form can also be found here:


General Feedback

If you have any feedback of any type for the Elections Commission or for ASUNM in general, please use the below form (or the direct link here:

Spring 2025 Election will take place from 9:00am on Wednesday, March 26th through 5:00pm on Thursday, March 27th.  Undergraduate main campus students may cast a ballot at:

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