
   Anthony Languit

Executive Director

Office Hours: Tue 11:00 am - 12:00 pm

I am a junior majoring in Biochemistry. I am a student researcher at the UNM School of Medicine as well as being involved in other campus organizations. I enjoy spending time with friends and family, and I look forward to my second year at UNM!



Heidi Garcia (She/Her)

Assistant Director

Office Hours: Thurs 3:30-4:30

I am a senior pursuing a Business Administration degree with a Finance and Accounting concentration. I am a UNM Risk Services student employee and have learned so much in my time at UNM.



  Anna Briones  (She/Her)

Marketing Assistant

Office Hours: Mon/Wed 12:30-2:30

Anna is a senior studying Business Administration with a Marketing concentration. She worked as an elections commissioner last year and is also President of the Club Tennis Team at UNM. She is passionate about student involvement and is excited to serve as a marketing assistant this academic year! 





Sean Alvarez (He/Him)


Office Hours: Thurs 3:30-4:30

Sean is a junior studying Film and Digital Arts with a concentration in Animation while also working towards a minor in Computer Science. He’s ecstatic to work with ASUNM meeting and helping fellow peers throughout the year!



Jennifer Salazar


Office Hours: Tues 2:30-3:30

Jennifer is a senior studying Accounting and is active in ALPFA (Association of Latino Professionals for America), BAP (Beta Alpha Psi), a local IMA (Institute of Management Accountants) board, and many other organizations on campus. Outside of academics, she enjoys reading and spending time with her loved ones. She is excited to become involved with ASUNM & connect students to resources.


 Beliza Sanchez


Office Hours: Tues 9:30-10:30

 Beliza is a sophomore studying Medical Laboratory Sciences. She is also active in ACS, the Pre-Med society, and is an employee with Anderson. She looks forward to informing you about events and opportunities happening with ASUNM and UNM.



Molly Grenrood (She/Her) 


Office Hours: Weds 11-12 

I’m from Houston, Texas, and this is my third year at UNM. I’m a Psychology major with an Anthropology minor. I hope to attend law school after I graduate.  



Joseph Kigerl


Office Hours: Mon/Wed 3-4

I’m Joe Kigerl and I’m a junior at UNM studying Business Administration and I’m involved in Pi Kappa Alpha a fraternity at UNM and along side that I’m the IFC VP of Judicial Affairs while being the New Member Educator in Pike as well. I’m also a member of NSLS and can’t wait to connect further with ASUNM and UNM as a whole.



Emily Bai


Office Hours: Mon 11-12

I am a sophomore majoring in Biochemistry with a minor in Computer Science. I hope to go into medicine or research in the future.





Spring 2025 Election will take place from 9:00am on Wednesday, March 26th through 5:00pm on Thursday, March 27th.  Undergraduate main campus students may cast a ballot at:

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