Election Information

Spring 2025 Senate Election (Undergraduates Only)

Election Opens - 9:00 am on Wednesday, March 26th
Election Closes - 5:00 pm on Thursday, March 27th

Link to the Spring 2025 Ballot: Click Here


PRESIDENT (Vote for up to 1)

1Tazz Jaberzazzjaber-min-jpegAs the current ASUNM VP and second-in-command, I'm running for President; I know what it takes to lead. #Tazz4ASUNM

Endorsed By:

Economics Club, Generation Justice of UNM, Health Professions Symposium, Muslim Student Association, Students for Socialism, UNM LEAF

2Andrew Nortonandrewnorton-min.jpgAs a leader in student government, I believe in what ASUNM can be. Because after all, 'We Are New Mexico.'

Endorsed By:

ALPFA, Interfraternity Council


VICE PRESIDENT (Vote for up to 1)

1Hope Montoyahopemontoya-min.jpgWith proven leadership, strategic vision, and commitment to inclusive representation, I will elevate student advocacy and institutional accountability at UNM.

Endorsed By:

ALPFA, Asian American Student Association, Diné Club, Economics Club, Filipino Student Organization, HoneyChords Acapella, UNM LEAF


SENATE (Vote for up to 10)

1Aizza Rehmanaizzarehman-min.jpgBeing a Lobo has enriched my life, and that's why I want to give back to the community.

Endorsed By:

ALPFA, Asian American Student Association, Filipino Student Organization, Health Professions Symposium, Students for Justice in Palestine

2Dillon Williamsdillonwilliams-min.jpegI'm Dillon Williams, a 3rd-year student. I hope to be one of your ASUNM senators - committed to representing you!

Endorsed By:

Asian American Student Association, Filipino Student Organization, Interfraternity Council, Powerful Movement of Educated Sistas

3Daniyal Hussaindaniyal-hussain.jpegI'm Daniyal Hussain! Running for 2026 Senate to represent your voice and bring real change. #HussainBolt4Senate

Endorsed By:

Asian American Student Association, Filipino Student Organization, Health Professions Symposium, Muslim Student Association, Students for Socialism, UNM LEAF

4Jill Grandinettijillgrandinetti-min.jpegI'm Jill! I'm a sophomore biology major and I'm not afraid to stand with you.

Endorsed By:

Asian American Student Association, Economics Club, Filipino Student Organization, Muslim Student Association, Students for Justice in Palestine, Students for Socialism, UNM LEAF

5Reza Rizvirezarizvi-min.jpgHello Lobos!

Endorsed By:

Asian American Student Association, Filipino Student Organization, Interfraternity Council, Muslim Student Association,
Sigma Chi

6Lucas Marshalllucasmarshall-min.jpgI’m Lucas Marshall, running for Senate in 2026 to represent your voice and drive real change. #MarshallAtcittyForSenate

Endorsed By:

Diné Club, German Club, World Affairs Delegation

7Destini Trujillodestinitrujillo-min.jpegHi, I'm Destini Trujillo and would really love to have your vote to be a voice for the study body.

Endorsed By:

Kappa Kappa Gamma

8Kaia Lewiskaialewis-min.jpegHi! I'm Kaia Lewis, a Freshman in the Nursing program. I'm excited to potentially be a member of ASUNM Senate!

Endorsed By:

Asian American Student Association, Filipino Student Organization, Kappa Kappa Gamma

9LeighAnn LovedahlHey guys! My name is LeighAnn Lovedahl, I'm a native here studying nursing under the Direct-Entry Program!

Endorsed By:

Kappa Kappa Gamma

10Edward Atcittyedwardatcitty.jpgI am a freshman who's served in numerous leadership roles, and believes in action over empty promises, for all undergraduates.

Endorsed By:

Asian American Student Association, Diné Club, Economics Club, Filipino Student Organization, German Club, Powerful Movement of Educated Sistas, World Affairs Delegation




12Gabbie Gonzálesgabbiegonzales-min.jpgGabbie is an ASUNM Senator running for re-election. She is passionate about serving students equitably and New Mexican red chile!

Endorsed By:

ALPFA, Asian American Student Association, Filipino Student Organization, Muslim Student Association, World Affairs Delegation

13Kenny Carverkennycarver-min.jpegI am a freshman involved in many campus groups with a passion to make UNM better for its students. #GoLobos

Endorsed By:

Asian American Student Association, Filipino Student Organization, Interfraternity Council, Sigma Chi 

14Nicholas Romeronicholasromero-min.jpegProud UNM senior running for re-election to help my fellow lobos. Honesty. Integrity. Respect. Romero for ASUNM!

Endorsed By:

World Affairs Delegation

15Taylor Hedricktaylorhedrick.jpegHi UNM! I'm Taylor and I would love the privilege to continue serving as a senator of ASUNM #GoLobos #VoteTaylor

Endorsed By:

Asian American Student Association, Filipino Student Organization, Kappa Kappa Gamma

16Owen Salinasowensalinas-min-jpegHey Lobos, I'm running to represent YOU with a year of legislative experience in ASUNM. #owenforthewinASUNM

Endorsed By:

ALPFA, Interfraternity Council


Spring 2025 Election will take place from 9:00am on Wednesday, March 26th through 5:00pm on Thursday, March 27th.  Undergraduate main campus students may cast a ballot at: http://vote.unm.edu.

Questions? - election@unm.edu